Tijdens de Round Table International world meeting op Mauritius (augustus 2014) werd Jan-Willem de Groot uitgeroepen tot internationaal Tafelaar van het jaar. Jan-Willem is sinds 2006 Tafelaar bij Tafelronde 92 te Veenendaal.

In de Round Table International newsflash van september 2014 wordt aandacht besteed aan de onderscheiding van Jan-Willem. U kunt de newsflash hier downloaden.


Message from the Tabler of the Year

At the Round Table International meeting on Mauritius I was nominated the Tabler of the Year. What an incredible experience to receive this special award in front of so many wonderful Tablers. I would like to take this opportunity to share a few things with you.

This past year I was chairman of Round Table Netherlands. The Presidency was a great honor for me. Since I became a member in 2006, Round Table has definitely changed my life. To me, giving back time, energy and commitment to this unique organization, has always been obvious. Being member of the National Board of Round Table The Netherlands on one hand is a big responsibility, but on the other hand it provides many opportunities. By thinking in terms of opportunities, we have achieved great things. I deliberately use the word WE. I truly believe in the saying You are only as strong as your team. The things that I have achieved where maybe initiated by me, but in the implementation, I have received a lot of support from friends and Tablers all over the world.

Last year, my priority of course was focused on Round Table The Netherlands. Our motto for the year was Powerful friendship. Friendship is one of the pillars on which our organization is built. In line with this motto, together with our National Counsel, we developed some new initiatives. One of them was the so called Benjamin Travel. The youngest Tablers per districts were invited to participate to an international Round Table event. In January 2014 we visited the CTM in Hungary. The Benjamins enjoyed their first international experience from the beginning till the end. It is great for young men to taste the power of international Tabling!

When it comes to international Tabling I had the opportunity to represent my association in several countries around the world. The hospitality I have experienced during these visits is indescribable. I realize that it is a privilege to be a member of this organization. It is special to meet so many people from different religions, cultures and background and yet share the same core values. The core values of Round Table!

Community service has a special place in my heart. Giving something back to the community and the underprivileged, is one of the reasons I am member of Round Table. When in November 2013 a major natural disaster took place on the Philippines, it was not a discussion if, but how we could support our brothers from Round Table Philippines. The initiative of Round Table The Netherlands was supported by Round Table International and many Tablers from all around the world. Nearly 5.000 special pins were sold for charity. Together we build not only six houses, we changed peoples lifes forever! An additional advantage of this project is that we also revived Round Table Philippines.

With great satisfaction I look back on an extraordinary year. I will never forget the continuous support from my wife, family and brothers (FAM). My local club was always there for me, just like my teammates from the national board. A special word of thanks I want to address to Sander Spit for the good company and friend he is. It would be impossible to name all the Tablers who inspired and supported me over the last years. You will always have a special place in my heart.

I am thankful for having the opportunity to contribute to the future of Round Table. I encourage you to do the same. If we all contribute in our own way and in our own position, Round Table will benefit and grow bigger and stronger.

Long live Round Table!


Jan-Willem de Groot, Round Table 92 Veenendaal

Past President Round Table The Netherlands 2013-2014
